
A little history of me

Well this could take me all day to write but I will try to keep it short, sweet, and summarized!

I'm Tammara.  Mom of 3 wild and crazy girls that are always on the move.  The suburbs of Chicago are we call home.  The summers are hot, the winters are cold, and traffic is always horrible.  I spend my days taking money away from people.  Yes...I'm a dreaded expense auditor for a healthcare consulting firm.  Some days I'm loved.  Others...well...not so much!   I grew up between corn fields in central (not southern) Illinois just outside the state capitol.  No...not Chicago.  Springfield.  

I'm married to an elementary school teacher who I love with all my heart from late August until early June.  The rest of time is filled with jealousy since he is home and I am working.  We have been together for 3 years after your whats now traditional internet meeting.  I know you may be thinking...holy cow!!  3 kids in 3 years?!?!  Not exactly!  He is the best father to babers and the best step father to her big sisters, the princess and the monkey. He is my best friend and my rock.

The princess is my oldest.  She's 10 going on 21.  She is such a mother hen but such a big helper.

The monkey is your typical wild and crazy middle child.  She's 6 going on 18.  Carefree and energetic.

Babers is just about 7 months.  She has more energy than the other 2 combined.  I truly believe the only time I've ever seen her not move is when she's sleeping.  And even that is debatable!

Well that's me in a nutshell!  The point of this blog is an outlet for me and hopefully share some useful stuff!

Thanks for stopping by!!

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